
Published on:

19th Apr 2020

Natural Solutions For Dark Circles

Your face is a resident to 50 muscles and 20 of them are expression muscles. The sole purpose of these muscles is to assist in expressing emotions. In order for those muscles to hold the face firm you need to use them. If you can't laugh right now, I understand, but you can probably watch a comedy and brighten your mood instead of news alerts about the coronavirus. According to science, the act of laughing or a simple smile can trigger a release of a happiness chemicals to instantly elevate your mood. As a result you may appear more radiant and more approachable.
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About the Podcast

Your Face Story
The Face is a Billboard to the Inside
Yolanda Russo, holistic skin care and author of ReTrain Your Face. After spending 20 years beautifying women's faces, I am now absolutely certain that to look radiant, you need to radiate on the inside. Your joy of life, gratitude, movement and well-balanced diet shine through and contribute greatly to aging in reverse. My mission is to empower you with holistic health insights, self-care tips, and the power of self-love.